Online Eyesight Test
Online Eyesight Test website provides information and links to resources that can Improve Your Vision Naturally, holistically, by natural means.

A change in the eyesight and vision possibly is first noticed in the quality of the focus and in the sharpness of images.
Or maybe it is more dramatic, in case of an accident or a painful headache.
My first experience of a change in my eyesight was when I noticed that focusing on objects at a very close distance was not like it used to be.
Not sure what brought it about, maybe it was the countless hours of work and focus on a computer monitor, or lack of protein and red meat in my diet or perhaps age-related, or in part all of the above.
The change in my eyesight got my attention until then it was just assumed that a clear vision at any distance was just natural and expected. So I did an online search for eyesight, eyesight test, and how to improve eyesight naturally.
I discovered many great things about the eyesight, and especially the natural remedy and how sensible, vitally important nutrition intake and daily exercise really are, and with the natural health, the eye vision and healthy fitness level will reward by a clear vision and healthy eyes. And it is all in harmony with the Science and the laws of human anatomy & physiology. The human body with the eleven organ systems do have many institutional requirements, and they work in a predictable logical way according to their purpose in supporting the human life.
The eyes really are a unique part of the body, here is what a Professional Ophthalmologist Dr Andrew has said about the eyes:
The eyes are:the only place in the body where you can see a bare nerve, a bare artery,and a bare vein without doing any cutting. And the disease processes we see occurring in the eye are probably occurring in the rest of the body,” -WebMD.
So in essence the eyes are a truly unique part of the central nervous system control center, the brain and the mind. Like a transparent clear water pool that we can look in and see beyond the surface.
Online Eyesight Test explained
On this page I will break up the Eyesight Test topic, and list the possible issues that everybody should be aware of; how general health affects the eyes health, how to take care of the eyes, how to exercise the eyes, and some of the disease and illness that cause a deterioration in the eyesight and vision.
Here is some history on the study of the human five senses and the eyesight:
Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) is credited with the traditional classification of the five sense organs: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. As far back as the 1760s, the famous philosopher Immanuel Kant proposed that our knowledge of the outside world depends on our modes of perception. In order to define what is “extrasensory”, we need to define what is “sensory”. Each of the 5 senses consists of organs with specialized cellular structures that have receptors for specific stimuli. These cells have links to the nervous system and thus to the brain. Sensing is done at primitive levels in the cells and integrated into sensations in the nervous system. Sight is probably the most developed sense in humans, followed closely by hearing.
Eyesight is precious
Eyesight is incredibly important in everyday life, many of our greetings, meetings, interactions and evaluations along with reading and study are based on our visible assessment of what we have seen with our own eyes.
I would like to make an important point here. The five human senses can be trained, improved and taken to new levels of performance. Here are some examples:
- Hearing.
- Professional musicians train their sense of; touch (to play), sight (sight read music scores), hearing (intonation, and audible recognition of scales, modes, and chords).
- Taste.
In the Food and Wine industry, there are Master Chefs and Sommelier, that have trained their taste buds to the difference between subtlety of flavors. They also use the sense of smell and touch for determining ingredient freshness and doneness levels, and the infusion of flavors. - Visual.
Visual Artist and Photographers. Visual recognition and eyesight training is part of the learning process in these disciplines. And develops further over time with objective training.
Trainers and Educators in the Scientific fields.
Definition: The branches of science (which are also referred to as “sciences”, “scientific fields”, or “scientific disciplines”) are commonly divided into two major groups: natural sciences, which study natural phenomena (including biological life), and social sciences, which study human behavior and societies. These groupings are empirical sciences, which means the knowledge must be based on observable phenomena and capable of being tested for its validity by other researchers working under the same conditions. -wikipedia.
Here is a list of the available Scientific fields of study, in each and every study course information is shared, learned, observed and experienced. The process of learning takes place with the help of the human five senses.
- Natural science
- Physical science
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Earth science
- Life science
- Biology
- Zoology
- Human Biology
- Botany
- Social sciences
- Formal sciences
- Decision theory
- Logic
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Systems theory
- Theoretical computer science
- Applied science
In a busy lifestyle, it is very easy to get caught up with activities and busy routines and postpone the health essentials like; exercise, optimal nutrition, sufficient water intake, clean air and oxygen, quality free time for relaxation.
On the theme of Eyesight, I would suggest you consider the following 5 points, because these 5 points are where you can “Test” yourself to see how you are doing in helping your Eyesight and your vision to perform at optimal levels.
For most people it really is that simple, they control their level of health by their physical activity and exercise, and their education, knowledge of the balanced nutrition, and their obedience to choose that which has been proven to be healthy and to be good nutritional value food.
Quality time outdoors in Nature, physical and sensory real time experience.
Quiet times also are vitally important to reflect on the balance of life.
Nutrition for the eyes and a sufficient amount of clean drinking water. Also, consider a using supplement especially formulated for strenghening the eye vision system.
Creative activities of the mind, versus passive activities of none involvement.
Eye exercises, learn to do them daily, to grow your eye vision to become stronger. Focusing at various distances is an exercise for Eyesight.
Any negative habits that can potentially deteriorate eyesight health.
Here are some possible areas where a change in the Eyesight becomes most apparent:
- Loss of sharpness and focus at close distance
- Loss of sharpness and focus at long distance
- Headaches after reading
- The blurring of objects, loss of clarity
- Loss of brightness in colors.
What could be a possible cause of the change in vision, or a loss in the performance of Eyesight?
Health problems, and eye disorders:
1. cataracts
2. glaucoma
3. diabetes mellitus
5. cardiovascular disease.
6. Sometimes the signs of these diseases are visible in, on or around the eyes long before symptoms appear.
The list of systemic diseases that can have ocular manifestations is a long one;
• in addition to diabetes
• and cardiovascular disease,
• it includes aneurysms,
• HIV,
• cancer,
• and rare hereditary diseases.
• This list is one reason why regular eye examinations are recommended.
This information on this web site is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
Always seek the advice of a medical professional for any medical
This web site and the information within is indeed intended to send out a message to everybody reading this information to pay more attention to the basic principles of good health and balanced living naturally.
- Food and nutrition, understand the connection
- Exercise outdoors in the fresh clean air (ideally)
- Quality sleep
- The spiritual connection to the Creator of Life El-Elyon (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy).
- Listen, trust and obey theHoly Spirit of Truth.